Hypertrophy is the increase in size of muscle. On a more specific level, it is the increase of the size of the muscle cells. In order to add volume and size to your muscles you need to place a higher demand on the muscle and eat a sufficient amount of protein. As far as hypertrophy training goes, it is the goal of the month. Many classes will be using weights, cables, tubing or body weight as a tool. It is important that you are choosing a weight that significantly makes you work harder than they last time you used that tool. SO if have always been able to curl 10 pounds for 12 rep, with little or not challenge, then use 12 reps. Just because as interval of strength calls for 12-15 reps or 20 seconds, it is more important that the time you spend curling that weight provides you with challenge and increases the demand being placed on the muscles used.
We are going to skip the specifics of how hypertrophy works on a cellular level. And although I would love everyone to understand some of the science behind it, it is not necessary in order to benefit from POW’s goal of the month- hypertrophy.
To see all the great changes in the schedule for the January 2013 season click here.
What is Hypertrophy? was last modified: January 13th, 2013 by
The post What is Hypertrophy? appeared first on POW.