We are launching a new lifestyle supplement at POW! called Isagenix. I rarely endorse a product, but after extensive research and meeting with the company, I believe Isagenix is the type of lifestyle supplement that will be beneficial for myself, family and the POW! students. Cleanse, replenish and revitalize is the founding principles of Isagenix. Their products offer a whole-body approach to health and wellness and are all natural. Look out for educational presentations on it and to begin asking questions about the product.
For those trying to gain some muscle and make keep the body from reminding you that you are getting older.
Here is a note from Isagenix on aging: The number of candles on your birthday cake might be the first indicator that makes you realize you’re getting older, but what about what’s going on inside of your body? Over time, it’s more difficult to maintain our muscle mass resulting in muscle loss; the one thing holding our skeleton upright. But, did you know that you can actually give your muscles a youthful boost with just one incredible product? The complete meal replacement featuring 35 grams of protein per serving serves as a solution to power greater muscle growth in athletes, weekend warriors, or teens in sports. Research also suggests the extra whey could help people shed stubborn pounds including those from deadly visceral fat.
Total Body Supplement Hits POW! this week- Isagenix was last modified: May 7th, 2012 by
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